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Buying Children's Gifts using WickedUncle.co.uk

I’ve never had to buy presents for a 14 month old before as I only came into Beth’s life when she was 6 so it’s always a difficult time. I’m one for progressive toys but a game of darts isn’t suitable for Dorothy so I’m kinda stumped. This was before I’d been given the chance to review Wicked Uncle Toys and it’s a definite addition to the list of shopping sites. Instead of shopping around hoping you’ll find something and they’ll like it, Wicked Uncle asks you what type of child you’ve got and if they’re a boy or a girl. But don’t worry before you’re thinking let’s not gender stereotype our children! Wait to see what little gems we ended up choosing! Now I have to tell you that we didn’t stick to the age ranges. Dorothy is really advanced for her age as you’ll see below and I think she has practically everything on the list anyway. So we looked at the 3 year old range and found these:

Sandcastle Set – Coloured Kinetic Sand

This was the wife’s choice as to be honest, she loves it. It invokes creativity in creating new shapes and with all of the sensory play Dorothy’s been doing, this was perfect. There’s even a pit to keep it all in. [gallery layout="justified" size="medium" ids="12461,12460,12457"] As you can see here, Beth’s loving it and it’s a great thing for them to do together. A perfect present.

Yep this is me getting involved too! It’s highly addictive.

Chatback CHIMP – Chatback CHIMP

Right this was my pick! What’s better than a talking monkey I hear you ask, a monkey that repeats what you say in a higher tone! Amazing for Dorothy to practise talking to, something for us to all laugh about.
We literally did this over and over for about an hour. Laughing, saying funny words and laughing some more. Beth thought we were nuts and refused to take part, I think it was that we were rolling around the floor laughing so hard. [gallery layout="justified" size="medium" ids="12463,12462,12459"]

Overall Family Verdict

Wicked Uncle has given anyone looking to buy a present for a child an intelligent way of picking a guaranteed hit. One thing that I would have to say is you need to know the child. We know that Dorothy is advanced and that the 2 year old ones while being great wouldn’t have got the same reaction. So Wicked Uncle gets a massive thumbs up from me, and here’s Dorothy’s opinion: ]]>

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