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What Does Personal Mean For Digital Users

In the world of digital technology, it has often been suggested that using computers to interact with each other was an impersonal and distant approach to human interactions and needs. In reality, as early as the late 1980s, people have started to complain about the danger of going fully digital – and they didn’t even know about the Internet then! We’ve probably all come across a sci-fi story about an impersonal world that is entirely managed by robots. Let’s forget about sci-fi for the moment and focus on the many ways digital users can continue to experience a personal and valuable interaction. If you thought that the keyboard and click mindset offered no consideration for people’s individual needs, then you need to think again. Digital technology has indeed many ways of offering a personal and helpful experience to all its users, whether they are single Millennials, busy families or modern office employees. For single Millennials: personal means accessible The single Millennials tend to be often shown with their smartphones in their hands and their eyes glued to the screen, so it might be easy to assume that they don’t expect any personal touch from their digital use. In reality, we need to consider what Millennials understand under personal. For this young and enthusiastic generation, a personal experience offers accessibility to match their specific needs wherever they happen to be. It’s easy to see why organisations like the App Developers are becoming so important to all businesses. They respond exactly to the Millennials’ need by making services and companies accessible directly from their smartphones. For busy families: personal means it knows what I need Busy families are often running after time to organise the kids and manage their work/life balance. As a result, they rely on digital technology to personally provide the support they need. By using personal data to customise online offers and keep track of their queries through CRM systems, the digital technology becomes a trustworthy personal assistant for busy families. Worried about the back-to-school shopping? No problem, your favourite shop will automatically send you a discount on their new kids’ collection. Unsure when was the last time you had a dental appointment? No problem, your dentist will send you a reminder when the time for your yearly checkup comes. For modern employees: personal means it saves me time The life in the office is a constant race for increased productivity and better teamwork. Unfortunately, this also goes with heavy workloads, which make it difficult to perform. But digital technology enables modern employees to combine data from several sources to work collaboratively and intuitively. And as if it weren’t enough, digital tools have learned to adjust to their users’ behaviours to provide easy to use features. User-friendliness is the personal present of digital technology to the office workers. It means that digital becomes a working tool that speeds up work processes and let experts focus on what they do best. Can digital technology make our experience more personal? The answer is yes. By combining accessibility, data customisation, and collaborative UX approaches, digital technology offers a new take on what it means to respond to our personal needs.  ]]>

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