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Reasons I Love my Wife

For anyone that knows my Wife and I knows that we’ve been to hell and back over the last few years and I’ve been writing this post for a little while now. I didn’t write this for me and I’m not going to share it. I have a lot of faith in fate and truly believe that when the time is right and she needs to read this the most, it’ll be there. For Rachel has always been there for me when I need it the most and sometimes I feel that I’m so pre-occupied in keeping the roof over our heads while still having a great family life that I forget to live it with the person I’ve helped build it with. Rachel’s been really struggling with a few things recently that has really changed her life. She’s written about them here http://www.vintagefolly.com/my-blog/black-dog and http://www.vintagefolly.com/my-blog/a-flamingo-or-an-ostrich. I don’t really want to dig any deeper as it’s not my place to. However you can see life isn’t the easiest at the moment.

  • Reason number 1 for why I love Mrs P is that throughout the previous few years from the moment we decided to go through IVF to today, she’s given up so much without a thought for herself. From someone that was on that career ladder and being influential at work to a full time mum without a blink of an eyelid. From going to a position where she made client’s aspirational advertising campaigns to teaching our children who to aspire to be whatever they want to be.
  • For reason 2 it has to be the levelling aspect that Rachel has on me. I dream big, act big and think last. This isn’t always a good thing especially when it comes to ideas like knocking down walls and expanding the kitchen for example. I’d quite easily just get started and wait to see what happens later. They talk about ying and yang pieces and we definitely support each others weaknesses.
  • Reason 3 has to be how amazing Rach is as a mum. We’re very good at putting together a family package but there was a time when it was just Beth and her fighting against the world. (I can imagine it was a struggle without me there haha). Despite the fact that Rachel was a single parent, Bethany has grown up with amazing morals, her own opinion on the world and she loves and respects those around her. It’s clear already that Dorothy is following in her big sister’s footsteps and I can only put that down to Rachel’s devotion to her child. You can’t fake your devotion to the development of your children and they’re both a testament to that.
  • Reason 4 is definitely how headstrong she is. If my sweetheart sets her sights on something there’s no chance of her changing it at all. It could be the colour of the walls or the design of a new sofa. Be it the colour of the flowers in the garden or clothes that Dorothy will wear. While it’s seriously frustrating at times it only means that she cares and wants things to be perfect.
  • Reason 5 is how I feel around my wife. People say that things go downhill from your wedding day. My feelings about our wedding day were simple. Why should we spend money we didn’t have to pay back over years to come and live to regret it. For me my Wedding day was all about the ceremony and the words that I agreed to live by. The after was amazing and it was great to have everyone there but it paled in comparison. Things never changed in our relationship and as we’ve grown together it’s got stronger. As we grow as a couple sometimes it’s not what we say that makes me feel good it could be a look or something as simple as a message. I feel like I’m the best version of myself and that with her backing I can achieve anything.
There’s so many things that I could put here and so many reasons why I believe we can get through anything together, as a team. Feel free to like, share or comment and hopefully at some point in the future when the time is right,  fate will deliver this post to my wife when she needs it the most. ]]>

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