Technology is generally looked down on in parenting as it’s a quick fix to just entertain them.
That was my view when before Dorothy was around and how wrong I was.
Not completely wrong mind, some parents literally just chuck their children in front of the iPad as a replacement for parenting. The truth is, embracing technology was a smart move and it’s been a vital part in our lives as parents.
I can understand how parents in the past that were away from their children for hours/days on end had an emotional disconnect. Imagine how difficult it is to build that relationship while they grew up asking loads of questions and you’re never there in the morning or night.
After moving jobs at the start of the year I left a role that saw me driving off before everyone woke up every day and arriving home at bedtime. The main issues were the fact that it was everyday with no let up, early days home or late starts. I made one of the hardest decisions to not only further my career, but offer me some flexibility in the constant battle between work and life.
Working in a national recruitment manager role has been a baptism of fire. It’s been a hectic one but one of the best moves I’ve ever made.
For those that follow me on social media will see that yes I spend a lot of days/nights away from home. I don’t have to but to be the best I can be, I get really involved and go above and beyond. This means that I would say 25% of the days at work I’m staying away from home.
However this means that 75% I’m working 25 minutes away so I can be home before dinner even gets started. Result! I’ve also had a little bit longer in the morning so on those odd days the girls get up we can have a cuddle before we set out.
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The nights away from work are easier than expected too. Being stuck on the motorway for 2 hours doesn’t give me any chance for Facetiming Dorothy or Beth. It’s just wasted time. When I arrive at a hotel in the middle of nowhere, I now have a window of opportunity to FaceTime the guys and find out what’s been happening in their lives.
They say pictures paint a thousand words and it’s so true. There’s something about watching Dorothy get over excited and take the phone off mummy and have meal to herself. It’s great to watch Beth talk about her first days back at school and when Rachel’s telling me about her day, it feels like I’m there.
Dorothy and my bond has definitely got stronger. She understands that I’m away with work but I haven’t left forever as she can see me. We have great conversations where she’ll show things like certificates and toys to the camera. Her use of technology, dexterity and language skills have definitely improved and that includes asking to speak to Granny after unplugging the phone from charge.
Now nothing replaces that feeling when you walk home and she’s not completely ready for bed and feeling narky. But I couldn’t imagine not being visual as a parent to the girls.
I’m a Facetime father and I’m glad!
Do you use technology to aid parenting?]]>
I see huge value in using Facetime this way. I’ve never really had to do it, but I see more and more mums and dads doing this. It’s one form of screen time for kids I’ll support!
I literally can’t imagine not having it! I can see why there was such a disconnect with working parents of the past. I can imagine the benefits servicemen and women will have from this too. Amazing tool.