If you are lucky enough to be a man that works in an office, you have the ability to be able to play on your style. A standard 9-5 office job doesn’t mean you have to stick to the standard and conventional office wear.
Think yourself lucky, you don’t have a manual job and you’re at no risk of getting dirty or ruining your outfit during the day. It would be tougher to express your personality and style if you were a builder or an electrician.
You have the power to dress smart, influence and evolve the corporate uniform in any way that you wish. Not sure where to start? Let’s take a look at what is expected of you, and how to exceed that every single time.
Conventional office wear
It is not uncommon for corporate offices to be more relaxed on the tie and suit standard nowadays. It is expected that you turn up to meetings and presentations in a business suit, but outside of this it is usually more relaxed. Some offices may even allow ‘casual Fridays’.
This is a chance for you to play on your outfit. Dress up when necessary and dress down when possible, without losing out on style.
Most men will pair white or blue shirts with navy or black trousers and a plain necktie. This type of uniform does have an advantage, light, plain and difficult to clash colours with. But it’s hardly unique and individual is it?
Why dress stylishly in the office?
The trouble with conventional is that it makes a man more invisible. If you look the same as every other man in the office with your pale shirt, black trousers and plain tie, how are you going to stand out to get that promotion, to succeed and to turn heads?
In the extremely high-turn-over corporate world, the last thing you want to seem is replaceable. Managers have the tendency to forget who achieved what at the best of times; you won’t make it any easier for them to remember you by dressing like every other guy in your department.
Balancing the act of style
Beware; there is always a danger of drawing too much attention to yourself. If your office culture is firmly no-suits, you don’t want to turn up in a suit every day. It can seem as though you are putting yourself above your fellow workers or even threaten a superior’s position.
Bear in mind balance and take each part of your outfit piece by piece. Look at what the other members of the office are wearing and simply improve it and make it your own, don’t change it all together.
If it is OK to wear a jacket over your shirt at work, these are a great way to make you stand out and show off your style. Ensure you have the right jacket fit; this will give your body a tapered and proportional shape that appeals.
It doesn’t have to be majorly luxurious or exotic, a simple but statement tweed or soft corduroy is affordable, smart and flexible enough to be worn at varying levels of dress.
Plain colours and easy to wear and match, but let’s face it, they are boring. White shirts are good for formal occasions, but a good everyday office wardrobe should have a little variety. Checks and stripes are flattering, but should be kept in small scale.
Textured fabric is also a great way to liven up a shirt if you are not into patterning. It gives your shirt a two-tone and that sense of style and individuality.
Be brave with your tie, plain ties are easy but again, they are boring. Contrast in colours with the shirt is a good thing, as long as they do not clash. Keep the pattern of the shirt and tie distinct and differently proportioned.
A tie with some wide diagonal stripes and a shirt with narrow checks is a good example. Take the time to learn what knot suits your build as well, this is very important to ensure your head and shoulders look in proportion.
Use accessories such as cufflinks and tie pins to add little touches to your outfit. You can make them individual and unique to you to show off your personal style.
https://www.tateossian.com/tatgbp/accessories/pins – Here you can find a range for any personality. Timeless & classic is great for the modern gentleman that doesn’t want to compromise any of his timeless fashion. Novel and unique is great for the arty and expressive individual that is a little quirky and different. Colour and nature if perfect to show off a free spirit personality and gold and precious is for the ultimate extravagant man.
Whatever your style and personality, show it off with your corporate office wear. Most importantly, wear it with confidence, hold your head high and get ready for your trends to hit off across the office.]]>
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