Every year on Mother’s Day we try our best as a family to do something new and fun!
Last year it was a little later in March and the weather was remarkably different to the colder weather this year. As you can see from our picnic:
It was a lovely day visiting The Tropical Butterfly House in Sheffield, one we’ll definitely go back to. As Dorothy was 1 and a bit she still didn’t fully appreciate the amazing tropical butterflies and reptile houses.
So this year it was colder but we were all also under the weather. I had the beginnings of a throat infection and Mrs P, what looks like shingles. Not fun!
Brockholes a wetland and woodland nature reserve with one of the first floating visitor centres and restaurants in the UK was high up on the list of things to do. They had an especially fun Mother’s Day Nature Trail with Chocolate for answering all of the trail questions.
Upon arrival, we visited the visitor’s hut and on paying £3 were given a full list of 12 questions, a map and a full brief of what we were to expect and how the trail was to go by a very animated and knowledgeable staff member.
Setting out on the trail was fun with Dorothy running along the reed beds enjoying the signs and carved animals.
We learnt some amazing facts throughout the day such as how some birds use spiders web in their nests so they are flexible and can expand as their baby birds get bigger. How brilliant!
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The biggest enjoyment from the day was the fact that we were all out together, exploring the huts, climbing down mud banks in the process, having fun and playing hide and seek where we could. Isn’t that what Mother’s Day is all about!
So thank you Brockholes for creating this amazing but simple way to bring us all together. We had fun and will definitely be back for some of the Forest School things throughout the year.
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