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Every two hours a male under 45 commits suicide in the UK! #Fulham2BirminghamWalk

It was a hard-hitting statement like that caused me to sit up and take account of the facts.

What’s even more shocking is that suicide is the number 1 killer of men under the age of 45.

Now I should point out that I’m not a Fulham fan and I’ll let you know why now. I’m also not the biggest walker but here goes! #Fulham2BirminghamWalk was set up by Lee Adams as a way to raise awareness and the much-needed funds for CALM, The Campaign Against Living Miserably an award-winning charity dedicated to preventing male suicide. They provide a telephone line, much needed support, help raise awareness and support those bereaved by suicide as 84 men in the UK take their lives every week. The walk is the brainchild of Lee Adam’s after his epic Reading to Fulham walk last year. Being avid Fulham fans, the team of walkers are all supporters and have formed and bonded through their love of the game. As the calling grew more additions heard about the devastating statistics, incredible outcry and an opportunity to do out bits. I saw “our” as I had that same call of duty. Watching Peter’s videos on Linkedin where he passionately described the challenge ahead, forcing others to stop in their tracks and take note. Unfortunately, I have other reasons to feel compelled. After the birth of our daughter Dorothy, Rachel has been suffering from depression and anxiety. I can’t describe how it must have felt but Mrs P probably says it best here: http://www.vintagefolly.com/my-blog/black-dog. Thankfully Rachel’s had some really great support and I’ve tried to be as positive for us all, working longer hours, doing more when I can in the house and giving Rachel some time alone when she needs it. Things are looking really positive. It’s more like a bunny that’s following her around now (inside joke). One of my best friends has also gone through a similar situation after a series of tragic events in his personal life was too much. Our group didn’t know about it at the time, possibly stigma, possibly pride to ask for help. Thankfully the doctors have helped get him back on track and after opening up, we talk about how things are going and do positive things where possible. I can only imagine how it must feel like to be at the point of no return. Where you feel that there is no one in the world you can turn to, no one you can talk to and that the world is better off without you in it. The good news is that charities like CALM are doing everything they can to not only provide that line of support but also helping to educate and raise awareness. So, on the 3rd of May, I’ll be walking from Craven Cottage with this group of incredible blokes. It’s going to be so hard as I’ve hardly trained considering the weather, work and being under the weather on days off. It’s my time to get serious and it’s your time to help raise awareness.     But it’s not just about the donations. It’s about awareness. Please share the message that it’s ok to walk and wish us luck on our trek! I want to be a dad to be proud of and hopefully, I’ll be finishing and celebrating in style! ]]>

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