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Get Ahead in Your Career

When you’re building a career, whether you’ve been in your role for a year or several, there may be a chance to move up the career ladder. Here is how to open up more opportunities for your career.

Get Additional Training And Education

You should never stop learning new things and educating yourself. This is one of the main ways that you’ll find more opportunities and doors open because you’ve got more training and education on your resume. It could be an online m.b.a. degree or perhaps a few days training to build your skills or experience in an area. Additional training and education are going to cost money, so it’s important to make sure you have the funds available to do it and if not, save or seek alternative options.

Network As Much As You Can

Speaking to those people who are going to influence your career is key, and a lot of career progression comes from building relationships with colleagues, your clients, and your boss. Take advantage of those opportunities to network, whether it’s a social event within work or just chatting with colleagues in the office. You never know who could hold the key to getting that promotion or leg up for your career.

Ask your manager or team members for recommendations on networking and always look out in your local area for networking events that are relatable to your industry. There will be plenty of them.

Be Confident In Your Abilities And Skills

We are all guilty of beating ourselves up when it comes to our abilities and skills. It can often be ‘oh I’m not good enough’ when you actually do have what it takes. So it’s all about having the confidence to trust yourself and what you are capable of doing. This confidence will end up doing so much for you, especially when it comes to being bold, taking risks and doing something new to keep your role growing.

Everyone has to start from the bottom so don’t be embarrassed if you find some gaps in your knowledge, ask your peers and those who have made the career progressions that you want to make.

Have A Plan

Some people tend to coast through life being content, which is fine. However, if you would like to move up in your role, having a plan can help motivate you to reach those goals. Set yourself deadlines or benchmarks for where you’d like to be one month or several months down the line and outline an ultimate goal. Planning provides encouragement because everyone experiences those stale points in life where you feel like you’re going nowhere. If you do feel like that, then revisit your plan and see if there can be any changes made.

Creating opportunities for your career requires passion and drive and most importantly, a love for the role you’re in. It’s never too late to progress or change your career path so start getting excited about what you can potentially achieve in the future!

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