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Planning a Group Getaway

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If you run a social group, class,  or sports team then you will understand how useful it is to take a trip away somewhere. Taking a break away from your normal routine and engaging with something that is a common interest can be a great way to create a bonding experience for the team, class, or group. This will help people who need to work together in the future. It can also be an opportunity to learn something that you will carry over into whatever your group is primarily focused on. 

But a trip away can be costly and difficult to organize. There may be many challenges that you would not usually have to deal with back home. Here are some things that may need considering. 

Booking The Trip

Once you have decided on your destination you will need to start to plan your trip. You will need to work out the most cost-effective way of taking everyone. You may want to hire a coach, and if you are going to another country either switch to ferry or plane for part of the journey. It may be easier for people to sort out their own transport and all meet up together, or to share cars. This may be viable for shorter journeys or if you are flying. 

When looking for hotels or hostels, ask about block booking discounts. Depending on the size of your group, this may be something that can be offered. Don’t just rely on an online price, phone up and ask. Be sure the hotel know what type of organization you are, as they may have policies regarding particular groups of people staying. You may need to organize your trip well in advance if there are a large number of you staying together. 

Some companies offer group trips away such as following a rugby tour. Using a company such as this could reduce the potential for headaches. 

Paying For The Trip

Any type of trips away can be expensive. If they cost too much and the members are expected to pay the entire costs themselves, this may cause people to decide not to go. Subsidising the trip is probably a better option. If your members pay subs throughout the year, you should aim to hold back some of the income from this to pay for it.

Another option might be to hold a fundraising event or look for corporate sponsorship. This can help to considerably lower the overall costs to the team and you can share that saving with it’s members. 

Safety Concerns 

Travelling with any large group may cause some concerns with regards to safety. If the group are all children, then you will need to seek out permission from the parents and have safeguarding policies in place. Anyone involved in running the trip will need background checks and you will need to have a list of contact details for parents. You should also find out about medical emergencies and ensure the group has insurance in place. 

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