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Is your Company Accessible?

When you run a business, you will understand how important it is to cater it so that it meets the needs of your clients and even your customers. If you don’t then there is a chance that you could open up a lawsuit and this is something that you will want to avoid at all times. The Entrance If the entrance to your business is not accessible for those who are in a wheelchair then it is important that you have another entrance that is. Access consulting is a brilliant way for you to find out if you are doing enough, so this is something that is well-worth considering. If you do have a wheelchair accessible entrance then you need to have very clear signage that directs your customers to this as well as giving them information on how they can access parking and even other areas of the business. You can list all of this on your website if you want to help people out in advance and this is a great way for you to make sure that you are providing them with the best possible service. If you can, you also need to keep the disabled accesses free from snow, while ensuring that any bushes are trimmed back properly. Tables and Chairs In your business, it helps to have tables that are accessible for those who are sitting in a wheelchair. You will want to have tables that are around 30 inches wide and 27 inches high. You also need to make sure that you take out any low-hanging hazards and that you don’t obstruct any pathways either. These may be things that you overlook when you run a business but it really is essential for you to take all of these things into account. Restrooms and Braille Another thing that you can do is make sure that you have braille and even raised lettering on the restrooms as well. You need to make sure that the background of the sign is contrasted with the foreground, as this will help people to understand the signs that you have even if they have poor vision. It also helps it to stand out as well. If you have doors that are incredibly heavy then it may be worth getting these replaced and you may also need to adjust the closers so that the doors don’t require as much force to open. In your bathroom, any bins and wastebaskets should not obstruct the open areas and wheelchair stalls should be put into place as well. You will want enough room so that the person in the cubicle can navigate properly without having to worry. The main problem that a lot of people face when they run a business is that they struggle to know and understand the various problems that those who are disabled face. They also find it hard to implement the right procedures as well, so if you want to avoid all of this then it may be worth getting an audit done.]]>

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