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How to Make Your Corporate Event a Success

We tend to think that corporate events are just for those large businesses with money to burn, but this isn’t the case. Small businesses can also host events, whether it’s to toast their success, launch a new product or service, or just for the marketing advantages. Get it right, and it can benefit your small business in any number of ways. However, this won’t just happen: you’ll need to be smart about how you go about it. In this blog, we’ll take a look at a handful of tips that’ll help to push your corporate event in the right direction, which will hopefully ensure that it ends up bringing nothing but good things to your business. 

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Plan Well in Advance

Your idea will likely start off as something small, but then you’ll have one idea after another, and then eventually it’ll be much bigger than originally planned. It’s best to keep things simple, since this will mean considerably less work for you, and it’s not as if complicating things will necessarily result in a better event anyway. Even if it is small, you’ll want to plan well in advance, ideally two months, so that you have enough time to get things organised without impacting your day-to-day operations.

The Right Venue

You’ll need a venue for your event, that is unless your work premises are suitable for hosting gatherings, which is unlikely. Where you choose will depend on what the tone of the event is going to be, and the time of the year. It’s worthwhile looking at hosting events that can be outside, which means summer — this can just be more fun, and also cost less when compared to hosting an event in a bar on a weekend night. 

Hiring Staff

If you have staff at your business, then you’ll want to include them during the planning process. This won’t just make things easier for you, but it’ll make it more fun: they will likely have ideas of their own, and it’s always good to get them involved from a ‘hype’ perspective too. Since this event should be for your staff too, they shouldn’t be working on the big day. Instead, you should hire others to work. If the job is simple, then advertise for day workers, and use a workwear rental service so that they look the part. Bigger events may involve outsourcing all the staffing to a third-party company.

Bring the Fun

It’s worth remembering that if this is a public-facing event, then you’ll have to make things fun! It might be mostly about your business, but people aren’t going to enjoy just hearing about how good your company is. Instead, include things like refreshments, music, drinks and so on. It should be a party!

Follow Up

Finally, once the event is over, you should look at following up and capitalising on the success. In many ways, the real work of the event begins once it’s all done and dusted because it’s then that you can try to build on the interest generated during the event.  

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