Today I was very privileged. Not only did Mrs P win tickets to go to #Brickfest. But we got to take our minor celebrity cousin/uncle (I’ll explain later) to a Lego exhibition.
So 9am this morning Charlie arrived all 15yr old with a cool Lego DJ tshirt and Beth with her amazing leather jacket that I picked 🙂 Mrs P in full Vintage Folly greatness, Dorothy just a beaut and I tired but looking ok actually.
We head off to Manchester and on route Charlie proceeds to tell us that there’s an online pal there. What he doesn’t tell us is that the guy worships him!
Lego Friends!
It’s adorable and seeing Charlie in his element was fantastic. It was all for a good cause Fairy Bricks, a charity that makes sure ill children have Lego.
Amazing charity and we made sure we went extra times on the tombola, finished off the mosaic and shared the word!
There were some absolute master pieces on display for a 10ft dragon to a pooing unicorn!
My particular favourite was the Lego pit in which Dorothy was quite at home. Until she tried to eat the Lego.
Asking Charlie what the best bits were he couldn’t really pick one. It was a toss up between seeing a Land Rover discovery model that was custom built, or, finding the custom printed weapons from the states.
Overall we had a great day. I don’t think I would have paid £13 for adults and £6 for children but then again we aren’t that passionate about Lego like Charlie. Now if it was Chocolate haha
Now the Cousin/Uncle thing was hilarious. As a young -15yr old cousin to Mrs P our daughter who is 13 is technically a niece but they treat each other like cousins. Until he Lourded it over he today :)]]>
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