First let me say I’ve been using this for a month now and while it doesn’t necessarily improve my sleep, it tells me what I’m doing wrong.
I think this is the biggest part of any sleep tracker. Telling you what you’re doing wrong and suggestions for ways in which you can make improvements. These are all essential parts of a sleep tracker for me and the S+ by ResMed does them in abundance. Not only does it use ultrasound to monitor my breathing and movements, which can I say is completely weird but OMG accurate.
So the guys over at Res Med have given me a Sleep Tracker to giveaway as a prize for one of my readers. It’s worth £130 and if you want to buy right now it’s on Amazon here:
Click here for my initial reaction into the S+ I’m still writing my full Review as I keep getting better results from the accompanying app!
a Rafflecopter giveaway ]]>So how do you win one of these beauties! Click on the Rafflecopter below:
(sadly) between 5-6 hours. Once I’m awake that me.
5 hours if I am lucky!
Honestly, about 4/5 hours, broken. I have an 18month old who does not sleep and I am 7 months pregnant…no chance!
About 9 or 10
I think I get about 6 hours sleep bit even that is interrupted usually
I get around 7hours per night
About 5 hrs at most if I’m lucky
I am lucky if I get 4 hours, I suffer from chronic pain so it is hit and miss most nights.
between 4 and 6 hours
I’m lucky if I get 2-3 hours per night
7/8 hours
6/7 hours
8-9 hours.
6-7 hours if i’m lucky 🙂
5-6 hours if I’m lucky 😉
5 hours on average.
About 6 – 7 usually x
About 7 hours
All done & liked and shared 🙂
I only get around five hours I am a very light sleeper
Around 7 hours, but the last few days it has been less as my husband has a cold and is snoring very loudly!
I get about 7 hours sleep, sometimes less if my little girl wakes during the night
i get about 6 hours in total which i know isnt good at all
5 hours x
Not enough thanks to pregnancy and an every earlier waking toddler
I get approx 6 hours which is nowhere near enough for me as by the end of the week I am always shattered
Usually 8 hrs
I felt compelled to comment! Who else is so jealous right now haha
Usually between 5 & 6
normally between 7-8hrs
Between 4 and 5 hours and always feel like I have not slept at all.
between 6-8 hours
4 – 5 hours max
About 8 hours
7 hours a night 🙂
7 hours
Depends. 4-5 hours if I’m having a little insomnia or 8-9 if I’m not. As much as I can.
about 6 hours
7 hours
Normally about 8 hours
about 5 hours
about 6 hours, although i can imagine that is very quickly going to change as we have our first baby on the way in 6 weeks!
It varies, the earlier I go to bed the more often I wake up; so gradually getting later and later and averaging 6-7 hrs but not getting to sleep until 2am!
normally between 7-8 hours although it never feels like enough! 🙂
Well it’s 4am now so tonight about 3 hours, although I usually manage five hours
about 6 hrs
It’s usually somewhere between 6-8 hours
about 5 hours usually
Usually about 6 hours – i’m always tired!!
I suffer terribly from insomnia and gave to be up for work at 5am each morning so nowhere nesr enough . 4 – 5 hours tops if im lucky . I’m always tired.
I get between 6 – 7 hours, it really depends on the kids .x
between 6 and 8 hours
3-4 hours a night
Not enough! About 5-6 hours. I’m a really light sleeper and wake up at the slightest noise. ?
I always get at least 6 hours but often 7+
About 4-5 hours
About six to seven hours sleep per night
around 8 – 9 hours sleep…. we tend to go to bed fairly early but we are up at 6am… Im quite a light sleeper though so its sometimes broken sleep
8 hours
To be honest with both me and my partner working shifts and having a small child no night’s sleep is the same twice in a row.
About 9 hours.
Very variable, sometimes very little, sometimes I have to sleep a lot.
varies – between 6 – 8 hours usually (although every couple of months I seem to need a really early night)
6/7 hours if I’m lucky x
7 hours suits me well!
8 hours normally
Too much! I tend to go to bed early then get up at 8, then again I struggle to sleep at first due to gastric acid!
About 6 hours, I like 12 though
About 7 hours
6-7 hours depending on when my son wakes me up
7 to 8 hours x
Depends between 2-6 hours.
6-7 hours usually
Around 6-8 hours! I rarely feel refreshed though.
I get very little sleep and lie awake all night only falling asleep to the dawn chorus. It’s so debilitating not having a proper nights sleep. I hope this is something that would help me change the hours of wakefulness
Probably about 6-7 hours. I have to get up stupidly early for work, so not enough!
I try and get 8 hours but I don’t often achieve that, usually it’s between 6½-7 hours sleep, I do try and catch up on a weekend though.
Between 6 and 7 hours
about 6-7 hours
6 or 7 if I’m lucky ??
7 hours
It varies but always feels like it’s never enough! Between 5-7 hours
Not sure as I have a toddler who wakes andI am 7 months pregnant so have broken sleep most nights x
Im not sure, I have trouble sleeping would be intresting to see how much sleep i do get though x
It is different every night but I would say between 5-7 hours
different every night /day i have cfs and wonder if this could help
I sleep very lightly, but probably around 5-6 hours
2-4 hours if I am lucky xx
About 6 hours during the week.
6-7 hours
Probably about 5 hours xx
about 6 hours
I probably get around 6 hours sleep a night.
About 7 hours normally
Probably about 5 hours if I’m lucky!
Not enough! 5 or 6 hours on average
Right now about 5 hours urgh! Baby Bertie struggling to sleep through the night!