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The Wizard of Oz 24th Oct Opening Night Family Ticket Competition

Cheryl Fergison as the Eva’ The Wicked Witch of the West; BBC Pitch Battle’s Maddie Hope Coelho as Dorothy; X Factor star David Heath as the Scarecrow; the charismatic Philip McGuiness playing the Tinman; and the hilarious Richard Hazlewood as Cowardly Lion. With the show running from the 24th to 26th October, this competition is available for the opening night at 5pm. Winners names will be on the tickets and they are non-transferrable. If you would like to enter the competition, see our Rafflecopter below but if you’d like to buy some see the box offie here: http://www.atgtickets.com/shows/the-wizard-of-oz/southport-theatre-and-convention-centre/#buy-now I’ll be running this competition with my Wife, the Marvellous Mrs P so hope you like her page too and I want to wish you all good luck! a Rafflecopter giveaway ]]>


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