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Bringing The Office Home

Working for yourself or working from home is a fantastic way to enjoy greater work independence, as well as help you with your work/life balance. But despite how great working from home can seem, there are some pitfalls you’ll want to avoid.

When you bring the office home, security becomes your responsibility – and the consequences can be huge. Make sure you keep your business protected from threats with the following tips for keeping your business secure.

Boost your online security

Cyber threats are the way forward for many criminals today, and they can be difficult to avoid for even the largest of companies. Making sure you have all of the right measures in place to prevent viruses, phishing, data breaches and more. With your defences up, it’ll be difficult for anyone to break through and cause problems for your business. There are some simple tips for staying safe online that could make all the difference to your business’ security. Learn how to deal with suspicious emails and other threats to keep both your business and personal data secure.

Safeguard your home office

Your home office is more valuable than you might realise, and having all of your client information, as well as physical assets like technology around leaves your home at risk of theft. Investing in some home CCTV is a good way to keep tabs on your home, as well as deter any potential thieves. Many families have installed CCTV for their homes as a general security measure, and it could be even more useful for you if you bring your business home with you.

Keep the kids out

One of the best things about working from home is knowing that your family is around you, but your work and personal life need to stay separate. Kids are curious and will be attracted to a computer or your important-looking work, which poses all kinds of potential problems. Prevent spills and accidental computer problems by keeping your office door locked at all times and keeping kids away from your desk.

Prevent data loss

Data protection is an important factor for any business, and with GDPR now enforced, the risks are greater for mishandling personal data. Backup your files regularly or use a cloud-based system to make sure that all of your files are kept safe and secure. Make sure you’re compliant with GDPR rules to help you keep customer data safe and avoid the huge fines you could be faced with as part of a security breach.

Vet your employees

If you’ve got anybody working with you, it’s important that you run a background check – especially if you’re going to bring them into your home. Getting references from previous employees can tell you a lot about the individual you’re employing and could flag up issues early on. Don’t take chances when it comes to hiring staff, make sure you do everything by the book. Do things the right way and don’t cut corners to ensure the security of your business.]]>

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