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Excellent Reasons Why Dads Should Take Up Motorcycling

With the thrill of the open road, the friendly camaraderie with like-minded guys, and the sheer horsepower of the ride beneath them, many men have chosen as a motorbike for their vehicle of choice down the ages, and chances are, you may have done the same. If not, then we have some special dad-reasons as to why you should, so take a look at our short list of incentives below.

You will finally achieve cool-dad status

Assuming your child is big enough to ride as a passenger on your bike (although you could always buy a sidecar), you will be the coolest dad at the school gates when you drop them off in the morning. Their peers will be envious of the ride they have just taken, and the other dads will look on at you with envy too, secretly wishing that their wives would let them have a bike with which to ride the open roads.

You will always be easy to buy for

When your birthday or Father’s Day rolls around, do you always expect the same gifts? Another pair of slippers? A brightly coloured tie? A new pair of socks? A gimmicky sweater? Well, don’t despair. Motorcycling is a bonafide hobby (some would say obsession), and you will no longer be the day who is hard to buy for. With the wealth of gifts and accessories available at sites such as Solo Moto, you will never face disappointment on your special day again.

You will never be late home

Are your children disappointed every time you return home late after work? Probably as a result of rush hour traffic, you might curse the prospect too. Imagine your children’s delighted faces then when you arrive home way before tea time, all thanks to your motorbike which can weave in and out of crammed rush hour traffic with relative ease. Just remember to ride home safely for the sake of your family.  

You will have more money to spend on your family

Do your family bemoan the fact that you never get to take them on holiday? Do they complain every time you tell them you can’t afford to buy them what they want for their birthdays? Well, assuming you haven’t blown all of your life savings on your motorbike, you should have more money in your pockets than you would if you were forever using your car. As a general rule, it costs less to insure a motorbike than a car. They are cheaper to maintain. And they can also do more miles to the gallon, so you are also saving money at the fuel pump. Just imagine what you could do with that extra money – and no, we aren’t suggesting you should use it all to pimp your ride.

You will be a less stressed dad

Thanks to the money-saving and commutable benefits of a motorbike, your stress should be reduced anyway. But if you do get stressed at home, for whatever reason, you could always get on your bike and go for a ride to calm your frayed nerves. Not only will you feel the mental health benefits of the fresh air, but because motorcycling is good for your fitness level too, the exercise you receive will also help to reduce any stress you might be feeling. 

So, what are you waiting for? While motorcycling isn’t for everybody, if you have ever considered the option, we have now given you some special incentives why you might give it a go. Let us know what you think, and if you have other suggestions as to why dads should bike, please share them with us.

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