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Welly's Puddle of the Year Photo Competition

When I first moved up to the North West I wasn’t ready for the deluge of rain that was about to play a major part in my life! I can see why it’s all so green now. I do wonder with all of the rain I seem to see on an almost daily basis that when I was younger drinking a glass of tap water back “Down South”, did it end up as one of the many thunderstorms beseiging our lives now. So as you probably know, I’m a bit of a dab hand when it comes to photography and I do love a picture! So when I was given an opportunity to feature a competition I jumped at the chance. Not literally, because I didn’t want to waste the jump. It’s a photography competition with a difference.

[alert color=”BLUE”]With all of the rain we have here in the UK, what better way to celebrate our climates than with a PUDDLE COMPETITION![/alert]

Puddles are something we Brits are have to endure/enjoy and have themselves had many a celebrity moment. From the comic never ending puddle on the Vicar of Dibley, to the recent Dame Joan Collin’s puddle war on Twitter, it is time they were celebrated. With three different categories available for entry; general public, children and professionals, WELLY is encouraging both adults and children alike to put on their wellies and hunt out the most beautiful or unique puddle and submit it into the Puddle of the Year competition.
Richard Morris, marketing controller at WELLY the British cooked meats brand says; “As a nation we are used to endless rain so it is time we faced facts and celebrated the wet British weather. Through Puddle of the Year we want to encourage people to grab their wellies and see the beauty in the great outdoors. We look forward to seeing the selection of photos entered.”
There’s some amazing prizes available to entrants who reside in the UK.  The contest also has three categories for entry; general public, children and photographers (students and professionals) Each category winner will be awarded a prize
  • Prizes are as follows
    • General public – £500 + a hamper of WELLY foods
    • Children
      • Schools – £1,000 worth of camera equipment
    • Families – 5 winners will each receive £200 + a hamper of WELLY foods
    • Professionals – £500 + a hamper of WELLY foods
To take part in this fantastic competition just click on the image below or follow the link! Good luck and enjoy the rain. I can’t wait to go puddle jumping with Dorothy 🙂 The below prizes are up for grabs and for anyone that enters through Corporate Dad, we’ll have another cash prize to give away too! How exciting 🙂 The competition will be judged by Adrian Brookes – ex Sunday Times photographer and owner of Imagewise and Richard Morris, Marketing Manager at Cranswick Foods Puddle of the Year Competition with Welly Foods



One Comment

  1. beautykinguk Reply

    Hailing from Manchester myself, I am used to the rain and you do learn to do the Manc Stoop to avoid it!

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