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Coast to Coast Charity Challenge 2017 – Starts Here

So you I posted last year (a few weeks ago) about doing something inspiring and at that time it was me and one friend!


I now have a crack team of 6 ready to walk the hell out of the 84 miles along Hadrian’s wall!

That post which you can read here was amazing considering I actually really didn’t know anything about hiking or camping! Haha! What’s psycho would agree to a 6 day hike and campathon when they don’t know what they’re doing! Yep that’s right! Overweight on the BMI scale, bad back and no idea what I’m doing which means that I’m the perfect person to lead this right? haha. Oh dear! So my crack team of walkers are: Josh, Barry, Syd, Paul and Vulcan ( Or Adam!) [gallery link="file" layout="slider" columns="2" ids="11684,11685"] We’ve all got our own charities that we’re raising money for and mine includes Scope and Mencap. My twin brother has cerebral palsy and got lots of help so it’s a great charity. It’ll be that which will carry me home for the last few days over those tough and gruelling miles.

So let me tell you a little about the challenge.

Starting just outside Newcastle in a place called Wallsend, we’ll have 84+ miles to walk where we’ll finish up at Bowness in Furness. Hopefully! There’s accommodation on route in the form of campsites, b&bs or hostels should we need them but I think, depending on the weather, we’ll be camping wild. So pulling in some serious knowledge, it’s a decision between lightweight tent as we’ll be carrying on our backs and something waterproof and low profile. This tent does all that, I’m just hoping it’s a good enough quality. There will be some serious testing. There’s also some new boots on the way! Really hoping they’re as light as they say they are on the box 🙂 This is going to be ridiculously hard. There’s going to be serious training, time away from family, cracked feet, blisters, logistics, driving and loads of clothes to wash! But it’s all worth it. The Just Giving page is on it’s way, if you’re a company that’s looking to sponsor us from equipment, accommodation or a donation to the charity, email me at CorporateDadUK@Gmail.com. Thanks for your support and we’ll keep you updated!]]>

One Comment

  1. Abigail Edkins Reply

    What a fabulous thing you are doing!! Ive worked for Mencap now for 12 years, its a fantastic charity and company to work for. Im sure you will raise lots of money and awareness too #HereIAm ..I wish you every success with as little discomfort as possible

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