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Day 1 Hiking Training with Dorothy

There’s no fun in training for the Coast to Coast Charity Challenge if I can’t bring my family along with me! Thanks to one of my fellow challengers, we’re in possession of a lovely rucksack with baby seat perfect for little legs. So it’s New Years day and after a festive season of goodwill, lots of chocolate and beer, there’s no better time to get out walking. So Dottie got all wrapped up and I got stretching! It actually was a lovely day with clear skies, very quiet and lots of animals around the canal. We were greeted by lots of canal boat families and enjoyed the time together. For me this is all about being inspiring and teaching my girls a lesson. I want Dorothy and Beth to look back and pictures and see how hard I trained and that they were there with me. It was only an hour training but boy was Dorothy heavy! For my first session of the year I can’t complain really. 3 miles in just over an hour was good going and I also burnt off enough calories for a pint when I got home 🙂 Here’s a little video of our trip, I hope you enjoy: ]]>

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