So with a name like Corporate Dad, in’s about time I bring a bit of the working world into the parenting one and mix these two bad boys together! There are a number of different techniques to find out what type of team player/personality you are. Belbin – Situational questions are used to define your role in a team.
Team Role is defined as “a tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way.” For a team to be successful it needs to have access to each of the 9 Belbin Team Roles.
Myers Briggs – Personality based quiz which gives you letters in a specific order to highlight strongest strengths and potential weaknesses. So here’s the thing. Does your corporate personality match that or your parenting styles and should new parents go through a test like the ones above, to highlight any potential areas of weakness? If Belbin states that a successful team needs all 9 roles and there’s only two of you, stressed, tired and in a very emotional state, how can we possibly cope? Searching the web I’ve found a free test which I’ll embed below, hopefully. So here’s my results from the Test!Famous ESTP-A Celebrities include:
Winston Churchill, JFK, Malcolm X and Al Capone. Now that would be an interesting dinner party.I’m sure if Mrs P took the same test, we’ll be mirror images of each other, that’s why we work so well!
Not surprised at all; I always hope these things will tell me I’m a natural leader, nope!…ARCHITECT (INTJ-T)
Haha did you see what I got
Yes- there is definitely something of the entrepreneur about you!
Chris Brice haha
Unique perspective when you relate that to parenting.
Ha, I’m not sure I can “redesign” my daughter!
Changing views and morales?