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Taking on Employees

When you first start up your own small business, chances are that you’ll take on the bulk of the work yourself. This is understandable.

Funds are generally limited and it’s quite nice having full control over every decision that is made in regards to your company. But as time goes on and you begin to grow and expand, you’re going to find yourself having to take on employees. Now, this is a major responsibility, so it’s important that you take the entire process seriously. Here are some major aspects in the process of taking on staff that you should familiarise yourself with.
When you take on an employee, you need to come up with a contract before they are set to work. This will ensure that both parties are happy with the deal that is in place and can guarantee that everyone knows what they are signing up for in this professional partnership. The contract should contain details such as their job role and expectations, how many hours worth of work a week you will be providing them with, and how much money you will be paying them in exchange for this work.
If at any point you feel that a particular employee is no longer good for your company, you need to make sure that your reasons for dismissing them are fair and legal. There are strict rules regarding employee dismissal and if you fail to abide by them, you could find yourself facing legal action. Hopefully, this infographic by national commercial law firm Harper James will help you to determine whether you are within your rights to dismiss an employee or not.

Infographic Design By national commercial law firm Harper James]]>

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