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Taking a Short Weekend Out

It’s always hard to be away from the family but as a working Dad it’s important to have some time to myself and socialise with other friends. This weekend was spent in the Yorkshire Dales where we camped by a stream, walked up over 1000ft climb to get to the highest pub in GB, BBQ/Roasted burgers and got ourselves through a stack of beer. But all in all it was amazing, time well spent and what great company I had doing it too. The great outdoors really is great and it’s only on your doorstep too. The time it would take us to get to the train station, train into Manchester and walk to the centre is the equivalent to a drive here. What would you choose? Family camp anyone?

Potty Adventures


  1. Sarah | The Urban Wanderer Reply

    The Yorkshire Dales are absolutely stunning and you had fantastic weather for your trip too! I have just checked how long it takes to drive from our place in Manchester and 1 hour 26 makes it perfect even for a Day Holiday. Definitely getting the Dales on my list for one of the up coming weekends, thank you 🙂 Your photos really sealed the deal on that one too! Stunning!

  2. Potty Adventures Reply

    I love the Yorkshire Dales and pictures really do it justice! You’re right: sometimes we do need our own downtime and the great outdoors is absolutely perfect for that. Thanks for joining us on #adventurecalling Phill.

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