Here they are employing the hoover while you saw method! I had kittens when I looked back at this picture and considered the consequences had I slipped!
I took care of this part (and the final construction), Mrs P is good with a paintbrush and I love the sound of a jigsaw! With a little help from mini-me, we turned a load of planks of wood into more interesting shapes and then it was Mrs P’s turn…
…time to add the names which were a hotly debated subject indeed! We’re still considering adding ‘The Goblin City’ from the Labrnyth and ‘Mr McGreggor’s Garden’ from Peter Rabbit. We’ll see what happens ? To create the signposts I started by writing the names on in pencil before Beth and Rachel painted each one to match the story’s theme. It took us all night, two acrylic paint spillage disasters and a whole lot of glitter!
PS. Try the ‘ooh you’ve spelt that wrong’ joke, it’s very funny. haha!
Here you can see magical destinations that we intend to introduce the baby to, through our favourite stories. Do you recognise them all?
We started with Fantasia from The Never Ending Story and of course the Disney movie (ok not strictly from a book but both such amazing movies!).
Never Never Land had to be next and if you look closely you’ll see a little fairy dust and a little something left behind by Tigerlilly.
Of course everyone knows that the way to Narnia is through a wardrobe of fur coats and I’m pretty sure that if we wander in this direction for long enough then we’d find one! I loves all the frosty blues and glitter on the signpost. No baby’s room would be complete without a few Winnie the Pooh books and so we had to include the 100 Acre Wood…
…complete with it’s very own Christopher Robin ?
Surely The Emerald City has to be the destination of choice for any literary lover! I’ve always loved the Wizard of Oz and in recent years, have become a huge fan of Wicked too. It was hard to decide whether to sign the way to the Emerald City, Munchkinland or The Yellow Brick Road…part of me wanted to include all three!
One of the stories I most enjoyed reading when I was growing up was The Magic Faraway Tree. When Beth was younger it was a great book to bridge the gap between reading together and reading alone (sob) and one that I’m sure she’ll read to her little sister when she’s old enough to understand the adventures of Moonface, Silky and the Saucepan Man.
No literary collection would be complete without mention of Harry Potter and of course Hogwarts. I’m still not sure this one looks magical enough, but we can always tweak it over time. And the last destination (for now anyway!) is Wonderland. We toyed with the idea of pointing this sign straight down, as in down rabbit hole, but I’d rather not encourage the little one start burrowing in her room so instead we went with a sign that pointed all ways!
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